
Hot Lunch Program


Hot Lunch Program

All ordering will be done via Digital Academy.

The St. Hilary School hot lunch program will begin on August 26 for the 2024-2025 school year. 

The program provides reasonably priced hot lunches and salads each day, and is staffed by volunteer parent servers each day.  Openings are available for servers.  Volunteers are needed to pick up soiled towels and aprons one Friday a month, launder them, and return them to school the following Monday.  Volunteers are also always needed for the sub list in the event a scheduled volunteer is unable to work.

To volunteer, please contact Becky Vieltorf, Hot Lunch Coordinator, at 330-715-8900 or


Please note that while free milk may be available for students who qualify, St. Hilary School does not participate in the government-sponsored free and reduced lunch program.


 Ordering Schedule

Lunches are ordered in advance each month, according to the following schedule:

 For Month Of Ordering Begins Deadline*
August - September August 1 August 10
October September 1 September 10
November October 1 October 10
December November 1 November 10
January December 1 December 10
February January 1 January 10
March February 1 February 10
April March 1 March 10
May - June April 1 April 10


General Program Information

Milk for the first semester is ordered with the August round of lunch ordering (even if no lunches are purchased) and milk for the second semester is ordered with the December round of lunch ordering (even if no lunches are purchased).  Both white and chocolate milk will be available to every student beginning on the first day of school.  Students choosing not to purchase milk may bring other beverages from home.  

If a student forgets a lunch during the school year, he or she may ask the lunch servers for a replacement lunch.  In accordance with the school handbook, a charge will be assessed for lunch provided in the case of a forgotten lunch.

Due to the time frame in which orders must be placed with the caterers, LATE ORDERS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED.  


Hot Lunch Credits

The following policy applies to hot lunch credits:

  1. Credits are given upon request ONLY for snow days or field trips / class picnics.
    1. If you paid for a lunch under either circumstance, you may request a credit by contacting Becky Vieltorf at 330-867-1540 or
  2. Credits are NOT given for the following reasons:
    1. Sick days - if your child is sick, you may come to the kitchen during lunch and pick up his or her food, OR you may send a note requesting the sick student's food instead be given to a sibling or friend.
    2. Your child is absent for personal reasons / vacations.
    3. Your child decides to pack a lunch instead of eating the lunch ordered.


Our lunches are ordered and paid for several weeks in advance, and the caterers offer only large volume credits such as those listed above.
Thank you for your understanding of this policy.