
The St. Hilary School Chromebook Program

St. Hilary School introduced iPads into the classroom during the 2012-2013 school year, and in 2013-2014, we rolled out our 1:1 iPad program.

In 2016-2017, Google Chromebooks were introduced into the classroom due to the expanded use and functions of Google for Education, and to give students experience with different technologies and platforms.

In the 2017-2018 school year, we added 1:1 Chromebooks, based on the success of our use of Chromebooks in the classroom during 2016-2017.

In the 2020-2021 school year, 1:1 iPads were phased out and 1:1 Chromebooks were added for students in grades 3-5. These additional 1:1 devices were added largely in response to the COVID-19 pandemic that closed Ohio schools in March 2020 and forced our school to swiftly move to distance learning. Google Classroom and Google Sites have become go-to platforms for distance learning at St. Hilary School, and the Google Chromebooks work seamlessly with these platforms.

In the current 1:1 Chromebook program, every student in grades 3-5 is provided a Chromebook to be used at school,
which can be taken home if the need for distance learning arises, and every student in grades 6-8 is provided a Chromebook to be used both at school and at home.

Families of students in these grades must complete the Acceptable Use Policy form.

Many interactive digital textbooks are available through the Chromebooks,
helping to lessen the weight of students' backpacks and challenge students to learn
using state-of-the-art technology.  Additionally, students' assignment notebooks and personal
schedules are integrated into the Chromebooks, encouraging students to be self-directed in
managing their homework assignments and study time.

Working behind the scenes to help ensure the success of this program is our school technology committee, as well as our IT service provider, technology teachers, and our Director of Technology, Mrs. Katie Heuer. Together, this team works to ensure the effective use of Chromebooks as teaching and learning tools. Additionally, fiber optic cable has been installed, allowing our school to support over 1,000 devices.

While students in grades 3-8 use 1:1 Chromebooks, students in grades K-2 will continue to have access to Chromebook carts.




Important Notes

The school owns the devices. The Chromebooks are being loaned to students for the school year. Families are responsible for any damage or loss of the devices. 

The Chromebooks will be monitored by the school via a management software tool which will track Chromebooks usage and apps loaded on the devices. Any unauthorized use of the Chromebook will result in disciplinary action.

As always, students will have filtered Internet access at school. The filter prohibits students from visiting social networking and other inappropriate websites.

Only school-approved apps can be downloaded on the iPad or Chromebook.


A Word of Gratitude

This program would not be possible without the generous financial support of our Parents' Association, through funds raised by our school parents, as well as the benevolence of private donors, a Rooted in Faith Grant from the Diocese of Cleveland, funds raised through our We Give Catholic campaign.

Thank you for supporting our school and our students as we work to develop the technology leaders of tomorrow today.